- Born: The Hague, March 22, 1950 as Adrianus Cornelis Jozef ‘Mick’ Eekhout
- Married: with Cornelia Maria Josephina ‘Mieke’ van Dijk, teacher;
- Children: Nils-Jan Eekhout (1979) MSc Architecture and Maxim Laurens (1981) MSc Industrial Design and MSc Building Technology;
- Nationality: Dutch
- High school: 1962 – 1968: (HBS – b) St. Stanislas College, Delft
- Bachelor: 1968 – 1971: TH Delft Faculty of Architecture
- Master of Architecture: 1971 – 1973: TH Delft Faculty of Architecture
- Graduation: Architecture diploma October 1973 Cum Laude (mentors Prof. Carel Weeber / Prof. Jaap Oosterhoff)
Practical works
- 1968-1973: Building Company J. Eekhout bv, Kwintsheul, the Netherlands (regularly)
- 1970: Institute for Lightweight Structures / Prof.dr. Frei Otto, Stuttgart
- 1970: Studio Prof.dr. Renzo Piano, Genova
- 1971-1973: Student-assistant at the University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, TH Delft under Prof. Anton van Kranendonk, Prof. Dick Dicke and Prof. Jaap Oosterhoff (organisation of design & prototype build seminars on tensile structures, pneumatic structures, space frames, tensegrity structures)
- 1971: “Frei Otto and the Munich Olympic Games”, article of 60 pages in the Italian magazine ‘Zodiac’, edited by Olivetti, supervised by Renzo Piano
- 1971-1973: Free time work as a student-designer: several architectural commissions: houses and company buildings, all realised.
Doctor’s Degree
- 1988: Writing PhD thesis as an external PhD student
- 1989: “Architecture in Space Structures”, PhD defence and PhD degree, Cum Laude (promoters Prof. Jaap Oosterhoff / Prof. Moshe Zwarts)
- 1973 Feb-Dec: Architect at Groosman Partners Total Planning in Rotterdam, NL
- 1974 – 1975: Architect at Thunnissen, Van Kranendonk, Becka Architects in The Hague NL
- 1975 – 1982: Independent architect’s practice: Ir. Mick Eekhout BNA bv in Delft.
- 1982: Closing of the architects office (for design & engineering) at the occasion of the start of Octatube Space Structures bv (design & build company), to avoid professional confusion.
- 1992 onwards: Architects practice changed over into design office: Prof. Dr. Mick Eekhout Associates bv in Delft for occasional design and advice assignments/ lectures.
1991/1992 Factory and office Octatube, Delft; 1993 Architect’s own house, Delft; 1997 Prinsenhof Glass Museum Hall, Delft; 2004 Phoenix car parking garage, Delft; 2005 Glass Synagogue hall, the Hague; 2006 South Gate Tram Roof, Delft; 2008/2009 2 temporary glass ‘serres’ for the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft.
Structural Engineer
- 1978 onwards: Octatube Engineering bv (design and engineering office for spatial structures). After 1982 the engineering activities are incorporated in Octatube Space Structures bv.
- November 1991: Appointment as a professor of Product Development, TU Delft.
- 1 Jan 1992 onwards: Chair of Product Development at the Faculty of Architecture of TU Delft, appointment for 0.4 fte regularly.
- 1995 to 1998: Research director of the department of Building Technical Design.
- 1997: PhD degree for Just Renckens, later to become professor at Sofia, Bulgaria.
- 1997 – 2003: Member of Advisory Board of Professors to the Presidential Board of the University of Technology Delft.
- 1999 – 2002: Head of Department of Building Technical Design (4 chairs, 60 staff) with severe cutback assignment of 30%; appointment 0,8 fte.
Teaching: responsible for study of 2nd year (PU) 500 students during 8 weeks yearly and 3rd year (B3 + B4): 100 students yearly during 16 weeks. - 2000 – 2007: Chairman of the Research Advisory Board for Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering TU Delft
- 2001: Chairman BAC Architectural Engineering (appointment: Prof. Fons Verhijen)
- 2001: Advisor for Research to the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
- 2002: PhD degree for Jos Lichtenberg, later to become professor at TU Eindhoven
- 2003 – 2008: Member of the Management Team Department of Building Technology (11 chairs, 100 staff)
- 2003: Appointment TU Delft Full Professor class 1, appointment to 0,6 fte because of number of Phd students and the many supra-chair activities
- 2003 – 2008: Research ‘Nestor’ for the department of Building Technology
- 2003 – 2008: Member of Platform Design / Platform Ontwerpen TU Delft
- 2004: QANU Assessement Research Programme Blobs: Quality 4, Productivity 4, Relevance 4, Viability 4, director Prof. Mick Eekhout.
- 2004: Chairman BAC Design of Construtions (appointment: prof. Ulrich Knaack)
- 2004 – 2006: MSE / MKB policy planner for TU Delft on request of CvB
- 2005: PhD for Wim Poelman, later to become professor at University Twente
- 2005: Organiser of the 1st Congress of Design Platform TU Delft: Delft Science in Design 1.
- 2005 – 2010: Appointment as the Special Professor of Structural Design at the Building Research Unit, Nottingham University
- 2005 – 2008: Member of the BTA Commission TU Delft, to supervise the research income from publications
- 2006 – 2008: Vice-director Onderzoekschool Bouw for ‘Design’ wing.
- 2006: Organiser and Editor of overview book Building Technology Research 2006.
- 2007: Organisation of 5 peer reviewed research colloquia for the programs; Blobs, Industrial Building, Informatics, Zappi and Climate design as a preparation for the Mid Term Review of 2007.
- 2007: Editor of Colloquium Book ‘Blobs’ for peer review, January 2007
- 2007: Editor of Colloquium Book ‘Industrial Building‘ for peer review February 2007:
- 2007: Editor of Peer review report 2007 of all 5 Building Technology programs
- 2007 – 2008: Appointment as ‘formateur’ of the national university research umbrella for the six Dutch building faculties: 3TU Speerpunt Bouw, resulting in report December 2008, for extra 0,4 fte during 1,5 years.
- 2007: Supervisor and Co-Supervisor of 20 PhD students
- 2007: Mid Term Review Research Programme Blobs: Quality 4, Productivity 4, Relevance 4, Viability 4, director Prof. Mick Eekhout
- 2007: Chairman BAC Architecture (appointment: Prof. Patrick Teuffel and Prof. Thijs Asselbergs)
- 2007: Organiser of 2nd Congress of Design Platform: Delft Science in Design 2
- 2007: Co-organiser of KNAW symposium ‘De toekomst van het landschap’.
- 2007, December: Co-organiser of yearly congress Onderzoekschool Bouw
- 2008, March: Editor of bundle research projects 3TU Speerpunt Bouw (200 projects)
- 2008, March: Editor of ‘Leerstoelenboek 3TU Bouw’
- 2008: Degree for Jordan Brandt, later to become professor at Harvard University
- 2008 onwards: Programme leader of research program ‘Building Innovation’
- 2008 September: Editor of research bundle Current Projects of ‘Building Innovation’
- 2008 November: Editor of research bundle Future Projects of ‘Building Innovation’
- 2009 January 1st: Chair of Product Development 6,40 fte in size to shrink because of cutbacks, coincidentally affecting temporary contracts to 2,44 fte, 5 PhD students and 5 external PhD students.
- 2009 onwards: Assignment back to 0,4 fte.
Main research focus on writing of 12 books.
Component Designer, Structural Engineer, Industrial Designer, Producer & Contractor
- 1982 onwards: Start Octatube Space Structures bv (owner, general director and main designer) specialized in design, research & development, engineering, production and installation of complicated spatial structures in architecture, applications world wide. Speciality in ‘design & build’ of complicated architectural building parts all over the world: roofs and facades of buildings.
- The last 20 years the Octatube Group has had several daughter companies in Delft and abroad (UK, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, Israel).
- 1997: Start of Octatube International bv
- 2001: Octatube has 50/60 employees in Delft and average 20/25 more working locally over the world. Yearly some 50/100 projects are designed, produced and installed all over the world. In most cases Mick Eekhout functions as the co-designer to the local project architect, within ‘design & build’ contracts. Among these projects regularly about 50% export projects: Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Germany, Belgium, UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Israel, Middle East, Botswana, Tunisia, Spain, United States, Portugal, Singapore, Malaysia.
- 2003-2006: Mick’s magnum opus, the most experimental project in Octatube’s history for the sandwich roofs for Rabin Center in Tel Aviv.
- 2005: Introduction of son Nils-Jan Eekhout in the Octatube company
- 2008 December 22nd: 25th anniversary of foundation of Octatube ‘design and build’ companies; average 80 % export and 40 / 50 people employed with large projects in Israel, Rumania, Spain, England and the Netherlands. Celebration in the Glass Cube, under construction by Octatube , 30x30x30m3 in Madrid for the Santander bank. Nils-Jan Eekhout to become managing director of the Octatube companies. www.octatube.nl
- 2008: Design & build contract for South ‘Serre’ and East ‘Serre’ of TU Delft in super-speed from October 1st to be finished on January 9th 2009 for the TU Delft Dies celebration.
Independent Designer
From 1992 onwards architectural, structural and industrial design and product developments, also building management and general advice in Prof. Dr. Mick Eekhout Associates BV. Independent design, research & development and engineering projects are undertaken such as the space frame roof membrane decking for the Olympic stadium in Tunis, the dome of the cathedral in Ivory Coast, a suspended acoustical ceiling in the Royal Albert Hall in London; a cultural centre in Ash Dod with Japanese architect Takamatso and in Tel Aviv a cultural centre with architect Moshe Safdie from Boston: the Yitzak Rabin Centre and a cardboard dome in Amsterdam with the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. Renovation of the Sebastian bridge in Delft. Design of Concept house Prototype 2009 with prof.Thijs Asselbergs and Arjan van Timmeren for realisation in 2009.
Lectures up to 1992 (start professorship)
From 1980 on regularly lectures have been given on the topics of space structures, tubular structures in architecture, glass structures, frameless glazing, product design and development, and design methodology etc at TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, at Academies of Architecture in Rotterdam, in Tilburg, in Amsterdam and NHIBS in Antwerp, Universities of Surrey, Edinborough, London, Oxford, Bath, Brussels, Hasselt, Trier, München, Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt, Konstanz, Paris, New Delhi, Madras, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Saarbrücken, Zurich, Madrid
Lectures given for professionals: in Antwerp, Brussels, Diepenbeek, New Delhi, Bombay, Madras, Hyderabad, London, Surrey, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Baltimore, New York, Parijs, Sydney, Frankfurt, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt, München, Dusseldorf, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Tokyo, Tampere, Haifa, Bee-sheba, Tel Aviv, Luxemburg , Bilbao, Sevilla, Vigo, Barcelona, Valencia, Milaan, Dessau, Oslo, Nottingham, Indianapolis .
- 1985/1987: member of the ‘high nine’ (nine Dutch high tech architects and designers)
- 1987: Co-founder and first president of Delft Design, (Association of designers in Delft)
- 1988: Co-founder and first secretary of Booosting (association of designers, architects and producers for industrial building components), Rotterdam
- 1992-1994: Member of Research Advisory Board of Stichting Bouw Research
- 1996-2002: Member of Board of Advice of the Dutch Society for Material Science.
- 2001 onwards: Dutch Normalisation Institute, member of the ‘Commissie vlakglas’ 353 005 (Flat Glass)
- 2003: Elected full member of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, (Royal Dutch Academy of Art & Sciences) KNAW
- 2003: Elected full Member of the Forum voor Techniek en Wetenschap, later to be called Academy for Technology and Innovation
Jury Memberships
- 1984: Tensile structure competition, Rotterdam
- 1989: Somfy Trophy ’89
- 1991: Somfy Trophy ’91
- 1993: Somfy Trophy ’93 (chairman)
- 1998: Somfy Innovation Trophy ’98 (chairman)
- 1998: 60 Bridges Leidschenveen
- 1999: Benelux Hot Dip Galvanising Trophy (chairman)
- 1999: Aluminium Award
- 1999: Boer, Tensile structures competition (chairman)
- 2000: A.J.van Eck Construction Award (BNA)
- 2007: Beste architectbureau van Nederland
- 2008: Staalprijs
- 2008: Beste gebouw van Nederland
- 2008: Gouden piramide, overheidsprijs voor goed opdrachtgeverschap
- 2008: Ideeënprijsvraag Scivias / Hildegard von Bingen (chairman)
- 2009: Beste gebouw van Nederland
- 2010: Nationale Staalprijs 2010
Architectural Design Work
- 1975-1982: In the architect’s office yearly some 20 projects were designed like private houses and villa’s, office buildings, shops & production buildings, offices & warehouses, indoor sporting halls. Prominent designs in that time :
- 1978: Sporting hall of Quintus, Kwintsheul (NL), 30 x 48m² (characteristical form of the building derived from the typical design of the space frame);
- 1980: Villa of family Bekkers in Bilthoven (sculptural white modernist design);
- 1982: Design of a tensegrity art work for the Centrale Hemweg in Amsterdam in co-design with artist Loes van der Horst (tensegrity masts and booms, only connected with cables and clad with 3 stretched membranes);
- 1982 – 1992: Mainly buildings for own purpose were designed as architectural works:
- 1990: Design of office and production halls of Octatube in Delft, 42x81m², with free spanning space frames over production halls and double solar space frame roof over office;
- 1991: Design of house family Eekhout in Delft, 1300m³, (modernist design with large glass façade 6x6m² and spatial stairs);
- 1992 onwards: Only for persistent clients architectural designs were made:
- 1996: Glass museum Hall, Prinsenhof Museum in Delft 17x25m² (all glass hall for exhibition purposes in between restored Prinsenhof buildings with acoustical indoor climate suited for music performances), [Kho Liang Ie Price 1998];
- 1998: Parking garage Phoenix in Delft with above ground buildings like canopy, 6x20m², all glass and steel structure); Connexxion building at the Stationsplein in Delft
- 1999: Glass Hall as extension of synagogue in Den Haag, 15x15x10m³ and restoration of main building, (all glass cubical hall respecting the 18th century synagogue), realisation 2001/2005.
- 2001/2002: In co-operation with architect Maarten Grasveld design of demountable covering of the Binnenhof atrium in The Hague for outdoor concerts in summer (not realized).
- 2003: Design competition for Glass Museum in Hoogeveen (competition);
- 2003: Design of Tram station at Delft Zuidpoort;
- 2004: Parking garage and two 5 storey buildings in Music Quarter in Enschede (not realized)
- 2004: Design proposals / start Restauration / Rehabilitation Chateau Magny, Bayeux, France (1696)
- 2004 – 2007: Design, development and financial set-up of Glass Museum in Schiedam (not realized).
- 2007: Design of renovation of Sebastian bridge, Delft (not realized)
- 2008: Design of the ‘Serres van Bouwkunde’ for the new faculty building at Julianalaan 134, Delft
Structural Design Work
Annually average 50 projects were designed usually in co-design with the project architect. Some of these projects (20%) contained designs with innovations on structural design, detailing, materials or components. Some of the most significant designs are mentioned here as examples:
- 1982: Co-design with architects Jan Benthem & Mels Crouwel for the border custom stations at Hazeldonk NL/B and Nieuweschans NL/G 30x60m² (Octatube space frames with large spans and suspended roofs underneath).
- 1983: Co-design with architect Wiek Röling music dome pavilion in Haarlem diameter 9m, (geodetical Tuball dome structure in aluminium with specially detailed connections covered with triangular and laminated glass panels) [Aluminium Award].
- 1983: Co-design with architect Tenggara: atrium covering Serangoon, Singapore, 20x30m², (in 6 curved Tuball space frames, fully covered with glass, incl ventilation), [Steel Price 1986].
- 1984: Co-design with architect I.M.Pei of New York: roof over basement (30 m high) of skyscraper complex Raffles City, 90x30m², (heavy space frame on rolling bearings and glass skylight watertight for intense Singapore rain loadings).
- 1988: Co-design with architect Pieter Zaanen and realisation of the Glass Music Hall in Berlage’s Exchange in Amsterdam, 13x22x10m³ (8 mm thin tension loaded glass facades, suspended from Tuball roof space frame and stabilised with ultra-minimal steel tensile trusses), [Steel Price 1990 / book Product Development in Glass Structures].
- 1990: in Bremen, (50m free span minimised space frame in the Tuball system with aluminium skylight profiles and double glazing panels) [Steel prize 1992].
- 1990: co-design with architect Walter Lockefeer and realisation of Flower shop in Hulst NL, 7x16m², (first underspanned roof with only tensile rods stabilising the double glass panels).
- 1991: Co-design with architect Rob Ligtvoet and realisation of dome for Haagsche Poort office building in The Hague NL (diameter 28m, height 12m (single layered Tuball space frame with double glazing panels and self-draining skylight profiles, ladders and an automated horizontal sun screen in 4 segments).
- 1992: Co-design with architect Rocco Yim and realisation of entrance façade of Citycorp skyscraper in Hong Kong 32x12m² (suited for typhoon wind loadings in stainless steel and laminated Japanese glass panels using the same tensile trusses as in the Music hall, but horizontally).
- 1993/1995: Design, research & development for Central Glass of Tokyo to make the Quattro frameless glazing system seismic resistant, [patent granted].
- 1993/1994: Co-design with architect Jo Coenen and realisation of the entrance hall facades of the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam 500m² (in tensile trusses with double glazing made in panels of which only the internal plate mechanically is fixed, the external is chemically fixed) [ book: Nai and product Architecture].
- 1993: Co-design with architect Sheppard Robson and realisation of facades of Finnsbury Pavement in London, 1000m² (high tech steel , stainless steel and glass façade with structure on the outside).
- 1994: Co-design with architect Avram Yaski and realisation of facades of the OZ building, 52x16m² (tensile trusses a 3.6m spanning 16 m all glass panels suspended from the roof structure 52m high).
- 1995: Co-design with architect Gerard Passchier and realisation of the horizontal roof of the court of justice in Maastricht NL, 26x30m² (underspanned modular system on columns with double glass panels, glued on the stainless steel supporting nodes).
- 1995: Co-design with architect Hubert-Jan Henket the facades and roof glazing of the Teylers Museum in Haarlem 500 m², (glued glass connectors, hart wooden columns, screened glass).
- 1996: Design and realisation of fish belly trusses for the roof of the Prinsenhof Hall (see above). The façade panels are glued on stainless steel saucers).
- 1996: Co-design with architect Norman Foster and realisation for the façade of the railway station of Stanstead Airport (UK), 600m² (vertical mullions with outriggers and glass panels cantilevering horizontally).
- 1996: Co-engineering of the Air India double 747 hanger in Bombay 150x80m², (largest span ever with Tuball space frame system technology exported to India).
- 1997: Co-design with architect Enrico Norten and realisation of furniture shop in Mexico City 900 m², (with earthquake resistant tensile trusses and frameless glazing facades, stabilised like bicycle wheels).
- 1998: Co-design with architect Joop van Stigt and realisation of the atrium of the Droogbak court yard in Amsterdam, 30x28m² free span (free span with main structure with underspannings and secondary tensegrity (or bicycle wheel) structure).
- 1998: Co-design with architect Mirjam Kaiser and realisation of the aluminium roof for the Airforce Museum in Herzelia, Israel 720m² (stealth-like cross section of steel structure and aluminium cladding in horse shoe ground plan, hovering over concrete building, separated by glass panels only).
- 1999: Co-design with Rob Schuurman for roofing of the Olympic stadium in Tunis 30.000m² (sigar-formed delta trusses in space frame ring, covered with tensile membrane elements).
- 2000: Co-design with architect Moshe Safdi and realisation for Samson Cultural Centre in Jeruzalem glass dome 16m (elliptical steel tubes and glued glass panels overlooking the old city).
- 2000/2002: Co-design with architect Erick van Egeraat and realisation of the curved facades of the town hall of Alphen aan de Rijn, 2000 m² (highly individualised and screened glass panels, no repetition for components, complex 3D Blob geometry).
- 1999/2001: Co-design with architect Abe Bonnema and realisation of the arcade structure and glazing of the 100 m high Achmea Tower in Leeuwarden NL, 2500m², (high tech steel structure with highly individual overall and detail design).
- 2000/2002: In co-design with architect Aad van Tilburg and realisation of the 30 m diameter main office dome roof (30 m diameter, partly26 m high glazed streamline space frame structure on top of building complex) Friesland bank, Leeuwarden (NL).
- 2002: Co-design and co-maker of the municipal pavilion on the 2002 Floriade at Haarlemmermeer, architect Asymptote architects, New York.
- 2003: Design Competition for Glass Museum, Hoogeveen.
- 2003: Design of Tram Stop Roof South Wall, Delft.
- 2003: Co-design and co-maker for the 26 m diameter cardboard dome for Theatre Group Van Steen at Ijburg, Amsterdam, architect Shigeru Ban, Tokyo. In co-operation with architect Moshe Safdie of Boston the Library and Great Hall of the Yitzak Rabin Center were redesigned in fully self supporting stressed skin sandwich constructions, spanning 20x30m².
- 2004: In co-operation with Kloos-Hollandia and Van Dam the aluminium, glassfiber reinforced polyester and glass cladding of a 144m long 5 star hotel, modelled as an Italian super-yacht was developed for realisation in the Docklands of London.
- 2005/2006: Design/realisation of two all glass smokers ‘serres’ in the Faculty Building of Architecture.
- 2008: Design of 4 glass houses, called ‘Serres van Bouwkunde’, for the Faculty of Architecture in Delft after the Great Fire of the Faculty of Architecture May 13th 2008, of which 2 ‘serres’ are realised in 2008/2009.
Design, Research and Development of Building Systems
Out of the experimental prototype designs, usually realised as design and build contracts, and after a process of duplication, multiplication, systemisation, a number of structural building systems derived:
- Stretched membrane structures.
- Space frames: Octatube system (patented), Tuball system, Streamline system, Hexadome system, Flowtube system.
- Several aluminium glazing systems for roof glazing and facades.
- Several frameless glazing systems like the Quattro systems for single and double glazing in roofs and facades. Earthquake resistant Quattro system for the Japanese market (patented).
- Detail connection systems like the glass-on-stainless-steel glued connections (patented).
- Special component systems for constructions and building elements.
- Systems for using cardboard tubes as structural elements in medium span dome structures.
- Stressed skin sandwich constructions with large free spans and fluent 3D design as cladding skins for liquid designed (‘Free Form Design’or ‘Blob’) buildings.
List of Awards
- 1986: Aluminium Award for the Music Dome in Haarlem (Dutch Aluminium Centre), with prof.Wiek Röling.
- 1986: Steel price 1986, honourable mention for Serangoon Garden Country Club in Singapore (Dutch Steel Centre).
- 1990: Steel price 1990, honourable mention for the Glass Music Hall in Amsterdam (Dutch Steel Centre).
- 1990: First Price for New Material Applications for the Quattro System (Ministry of Economic Affairs).
- 1992: Steel price 1992, honourable mention for the Aquadrome in Bremen (Dutch Steel Centre).
- 1995: Nomination Cobouw – Award in Utrecht (Cobouw Newspaper).
- 1995: Delft Enterprising Price 1995 for innovation for the entire oeuvre (by the Delft Chamber of Commerce and Delft City Council).
- 1996: Price Best Industrial Design 1996 for the Quattro System (Industrial Design Association Holland).
- 1996: Nomination European Design Price 1996 in Paris (Industrial Design Association Europe).
- 1997: Price Best Industrial Design 1997 for the Traintaxi shelter (Dutch Design Association).
- 1997: PioN – Trofee for Pioneers in Product Development in The Hague (Dutch Industrial Design Association).
- 1998: Kho Liang Ie Price for Industrial Design for the entire oeuvre, specially the Glass Museum Hall in Delft, (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts).
- 2000: 12th International Award for Construction, Madrid.
- 2001: Golden Europe Award for Quality / New Millennium Award), Paris.
- 2002: Pioneers’ Award at the 5th International Conference on Space Structures at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, held every 9 years, handed over by prof. Z.S.Makowski, the world pioneer of space frames.
- 2002: ‘Royal Crown to Excellence’ Award, Mexico City.
- 2003: ‘Worldwide Quality Award XXI Century’, Geneva.
Author of the following books
- Architecture in Space Structures, ISBN 90-6450-080-0
- Product Development in Glass Structures, ISBN 90-6450-111-4
- Aluminium in Space Structures, ISBN 90-71642-13-5
- NAi and Product Architecture, ISBN 90-5269-137-1
- Architecture between Tradition and Technology, ISBN 90-5269-113-4
- Tubular Structures in Architecture (5 languages), ISBN 90-75095-29-5
- Stressed Glass, Zappi or Product Development for the NAi, ISBN 90-72469-78-x
- POPO, Proces Organisatie voor Product Ontwikkeling, ISBN 90-407 -1631-5
- Bridges @ Leidschenveen, ISBN 90-5269-264-5
- Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space Frames (co-author) ISBN 0-7277-3014-2
- Reflections on Building Technology 1, ISBN 90-5269-265-3
- Methodology for Product Development in Architecture, ISBN 978-1-58603-965-3
In preparation the following books
- Reflections on Building Technology
- Buisconstructies in de architectuur
- Tubular structures in Architecture
- Prototyping the Maison d’Artiste
- Experimenting and Prototyping, a Portfolio Description
- Experiments in Frameless Glazing, from Zappi to Blobs
- One century of Space Structures, from Space Frames to Spatial Structures
- Lord of the Wings, Product Development for Composite Roofs
- 1 Dutch patent on the Octatube System filed October 1973, granted 1978, expired (after 25 years)
- 1 Worldwide patent “Quattro SR (seismic resistant) in co-operation with Central Glass of Tokyo for the entire world except Japan granted February 1997.
- 1 European patent on glued glass/steel connections granted in 2001
- 5 further patents on spatial structures and methods of connection of glass and plastic components to steel components are applied for and not yet granted.
- 3 model protections are filed and granted
- 5 name protections are filed and granted (Octatube, Tuball, Quattro, Flowtube and Octabri).
Eekhout, Mick., “Architecture in Space Structures”, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam , 1989, (144 pages) ISBN 90-6450-080-0.
Inaugural Lecture
Eekhout, Mick., “Architectuur tussen traditie en technologie of Zappi en het uitdagende productmysterie”, Faculty of Architecture TU Delft, 1992, ISBN 90 5269 113 4
- Eekhout, Mick., “Architecture in Space Structures”, 010 Publishers Rotterdam, 1989, (144 pages), ISBN 90-6450-080-0
- Eekhout, Mick., “Product Development in Glass Structures”, 010 Publishers Rotterdam, 1991, (72 pages), ISBN 90-6450-111-4
- “Buisconstructies in de architectuur”, Cidect 1996 (128 pages) ISBN 90 75095 29 5: in 4 translations: “Tubular Structures in Architecture”, “Hohlprofile in der Architektur”, “Las Estructuras Tubulares en la Arquitectura” and “Structures Tubulaires en Architecture”
- Eekhout, M., “Stressed Glass, Zappi or Product Development for the NAi / Gespannen glas, Zappi of productontwikkeling voor het Nai”, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam 1996, (88 pags) ISBN 90 72469 78 X
- Eekhout, M., “POPO of ontwerpmethoden voor bouwcomponenten en bouwproducten”, Delft University Press, 1997, (164 pages), ISBN 90 407 1631 5
- Eekhout, M., editor, “Bridges @ Leidschenveen”, Chair of Product Development TU Delft, 1999, (200 pages A3), ISBN 90-526-9264-5
- Ramaswamy, G.S., Eekhout, M., Suresh, R., “Analysis, Design and Construction of Steel Space Frames”, Thomas Telfort Publishers, London, 2002, (242 pages), ISBN 0-7277-3014-2
- Eekhout, M., “Reflections on Building Technology 1”, Delft University Press, 2004, (209 pages), ISBN 90-526-9264-6
- Eekhout, M., editor, “Delft Science in Design 1”, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, 2005, (195 pages), ISBN 90-5269-327-7
- Eekhout, M., Tomiyama, T., editors, “Delft Science in Design 2”, IOS Press, TU Delft, 2008, (286 pages), ISBN 978-1-58603-739-0
- Eekhout, M., “Methodology for Product Development in Architecture”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008, (230 pages), ISBN 978-1-58603-965-3
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Structures in Architecture”, Published by CIDECT, Geneva and TU Delft, 2012, (224 pages), ISBN 978-94-90675-01-1.
- Eekhout, M.,“Technologisch ontwerpen in spagaat tussen innovaties en wetenschap”, Leerstoel Productontwikkeling, TU Delft, 2015, ISBN 978-94-90674-02-1.
- Eekhout, M., Wichers, S., “Lord of the Wing, The Making of Free Form Architecture”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-61499-549-4, ISBN (online) 978-1-61499-550-0.
- Eekhout, M., Van Timmeren, A., “Development and Realisation of the Concept House Delft Prototype”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-61499-551-7, ISBN (online) 978-1-61499-556-2.
- Eekhout, M., “Lectures on Innovation in Building Technology”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-61499-555-5, ISBN (online) 978-1-61499-556-2.
- Eekhout, M., editor, “Free Form Technology from Delft”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-61499-553-1, ISBN (online) 978-1-61499-554-8.
- Eekhout, M., “Componentontwerpen en Productontwikkelen”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-90-5199-538-1, ISBN (online) 978-90-5199-539-8.
- Eekhout, M., Van Swieten, P., “The Delft Prototype Laboratory”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-61499-545-6, ISBN (online) 978-1-61499-546-3.
- Eekhout, M., et al., “Reconstruction and Development of the Maison d’Artiste Prototype”/ “Reconstructie en ontwikkeling van het Maison d’Artiste prototype”, Stichting Maison d’Artiste Prototype, Delft, 2017, ISBN ISBN 978-94-90674-10-6.
- Eekhout, M.,“Cobouw columns van Mick Eekhout”, Octatube, Delft, 2016, ISBN 978-94-90674-09-0.
- Eekhout, M. et al, “Reconstruction and Development of the Maison d’Artiste Prototype”, 2017, Foundation Maison d’Artiste Prototype, Delft, ISBN 978-94-90674-08-3
As co-publisher:
- Vogler, A., “The House as a Product”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-61499-547-0, ISBN (online) 978-1-61499-548-7.
- Van der Woord, J., “Gieten en Kneden”, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2016, ISBN (print) 978-1-51499-540-4, ISBN (online) 978-1-51499-541-1.
Book Parts
- Eekhout, M., “Een nieuwe balans tussen architectuur en bouwtechnologie” in ‘Op het breukvlak van twee millennia, gedachten over architectuur’, ed Ole Bouwman, monografie Stimuleringsfonds voor de architectuur, Rotterdam 1999, (pag. 89 – 103), ISBN 90-6450-318-4.
- Eekhout, M. “Design and Building of a Space frame Dome for Subtropical Swimming pool in Bremen, Germany”, in ‘Space Frame Structures’ (edited by G.S.Ramaswamy, M. Eekhout, R.Suresh), Thomas Telford Publishers, Londen, 2001, (30 pages), ISBN.
- Eekhout, M., “Integration and coordination of complex 3D ‘Blob’design processes and engineering”, in ‘Crossover: architecture, urbanism, technology’, (edited by A. Graafland, L.J. Kavanaugh), Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2005, (pag. 212-239), ISBN 978-906950-609-3.
- Eekhout, M, Suttorp, M, Braat, J, & Visser, R., “Maison d’artiste. Reconstructing a long-lost model” (AA), in ‘The architectural annual 2003 – 2004’, Rotterdam: 010 publishers, 2005, (pag. 20-23), ISBN 978-90-6450-618-5.
- Eekhout, M., “Preface : introduction to the workshop contributions” in’ Emergency housing : a workshop on BAM’(edited by Shahnoori., S., Poelman, W.), Shaker Publishing BV, Maastricht, 2006, (1 page), ISBN 978-90-423-0304-1.
- Eekhout, M., “Komyo-Ji-Tempel te Sajio” in ‘Nederland Japan Hout’, (edited by H. de Groot & K. de Vries), Almere: Stichting Centrum Hout Almere, 2006, (pag. 50-51), ISBN 978-90-5645-007-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Strategy of designing and building with systems” in ‘New strategies for systems : the universal building system’, (edited by U. Knaack & R. Hasselbach), Delft University of Technology, Delft, 2006, (pag. 99-128), ISBN 978-90-5269-3446.
- Eekhout, M., “The GRP Shell Structures for The Rabin Center in Tel Aviv”, in ‘Adaptables’06’ – volume 1 (edited by F. Scheublin, Arno Pronk), Eindhoven Univerity of Technology, 2006, (pag. 237-246), ISBN 978-90-72152-03-9.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi Structures and Constructions in Blob Architecture”, in ‘EU Cost C13 report Glass and Interactive Building Envelopes’, (edited by M. Crisinel, M. Eekhout, M. Haldimann, R. Visser), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007, (pag. 19-26), ISBN 978-1-58603-709-3.
- Eekhout, M. “Design, Engineering, Production & Realization of Glass Structures for Free Form Architecture”, in ‘EU Cost C13 report Glass and Interactive Building Envelopes’, (edited by M. Crisinel, M. Eekhout, M. Haldimann, R. Visser), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007, (pag. 247-254), ISBN 978-1-58603-709-3.
- Eekhout, M., “Rabin Center in Tel Aviv”, in ‘Architecture Annual 2005-2006’, Faculty of Architecture TU Delft, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2007, (pag. 80-85), ISBN 978 90 6450 618 5.
- Eekhout, M., Hendriks, H. (CEO Philips), “De voorruit is groter dan de achteruitkijkspiegel” dialogue in ‘Ambitie onder de kaasstolp’, (edited by S. Wijk, S. de Roever); VOC Uitgevers B.V., Nijmegen, 2008, (pag. 35-40), ISBN 978-90-79812-01-1.
- Eekhout, M., van Gelder, B., “Case Study E – Management of Complex Free Form Design and Engineering Processes”, in ‘Perspectices of Architectural Management CIB W096’, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, (publication march 2009), (pag. 244-267).
- Sijmons, D., Eekhout, M., “De rol van het ontwerpen als instrument voor toekomstonderzoek in het landschapsbeleid”, in ‘De toekomst van het Nederlandse landschap’, KNAW, 2008, (pag. 55-67), ISBN 978-906-984-5296.
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “Blob-shells : Composite Stressed Skin Roofs for Liquid Design Architecture”, in ‘Delft Science in Design 2’, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008, (pag. 45-83), ISBN 978-1-58603-739-0.
- Eekhout, M., “Epilogue” in ‘Delft Science in Design 2’, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008, (pag. 279-286), ISBN: 978-1-58603-739-0.
- Eekhout, M., “Future for Façade Research at TU Delft” in ‘The Future Envelope 1’, (edited by U. Knaack, T. Klein), IOS Press, Amsterdam 2008, (pag. 135-157), ISBN 978-1-58603-827-4.
- Eekhout, M., “A Design and Build Approach”, in ‘Manufacturing Material Effects’, (edited by B. Kolarevic and K. Klinger), Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2008, (pag. 235-244), ISBN 978-0-415-77575-5.
Supervised dissertations PhD students
- Ing. Just Renckens, “Gevels en architectuur, façades in glas en aluminium”, VMRG Nieuwegein, 1996: 1st print, 1997: 2nd print, (1st part dissertation), ISBN 90 9009266 8.
- Ing. Just Renckens, “Technologie en organisatie van alu-glasfaçades”, Publication office Bouwkunde, TU Delft, Delft, 1997, (2nd part dissertation), (252 pages), ISBN 90 5269 232 7.
- Ir Karel Vollers, ‘Twist & Build , creating non-othogonal architecture”, (Cum Laude), 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2001, (288 pages), ISBN 90-6450-410-5.
- Ir Mieke Oostra, “Componentontwerpen, de rol van de architect in productinnovatie”, Uitgeverij Eburon, Delft, 2001, (280 pages), ISBN 90-5166-861-9.
- Ir Jos Lichtenberg, “Ontwikkelen van Projectongebonden Bouwproducten”, Delft University of Technology, 2002, (282 pages), ISBN 90-9015599-6.
- Ir.Wim Poelman, “Technology Diffusion in Product Design”, Delft University of Technology, 2005, (229 pages), ISBN 90-5155-023-5.
- Ir.Martijn Veltkamp: “Free Form Structural design” IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007, (189 pages), ISBN 978-15-8603781-9.
- Ir.Martin Smit, “Naar een cyclisch iteratief ontwerpproces en ontwerpomgeving”, Inbo Woudenstein, 2008, ISBN 978-90-810140-4-5.
- Dave van Eijnsbergen, “Multifunctionele gebouwcomplexen in Tokyo”, Delft University of Technology, 2008, ISBN 978-90-9022681-1.
- Jordan Brandt: “The onsite fabrication of composite Building Envelopes”, Harvard University VS, 2008.
Scientific Conference Papers
- Eekhout, M., “Ontwikkeling van constructiesystemen in de markt”, Niria Congres, Utrecht, 1992.
- Eekhout, M., “Dutch Product Development or the Quattro Glass System” at ACSA Conference, Faculty of Architecture TU Delft, 1992.
- Eekhout, M., “Glas in Sportstadien, ein Entwicklungsbericht” at ‘Konferenz der Sektion Deutschland im IAKS – Sicherheit in Stadien’, Frankfurt am Main, SB-2-93, 1993.
- Eekhout, M., “Entwicklungsprozes von Tragende Glasstrukturen”, at ‘Darmstadter Massivbau Seminar -Konstruieren mit Glas’, TH Darmstadt, Band 9, 1993.
- Eekhout, M., “Realisaties, de kwaliteit van tentstrukturen” at ‘Textielstrukturen’ syllabus, Free University, Brussel 1993.
- Eekhout, M., “Advanced Glass Space Structures”, at ‘4th International Conference on Space Structures’, Conference Proceedings, Surrey University, Thomas Telford, London, (pag. 2016-2024), ISBN 0-7277-1968-8.
- Eekhout, M., “Gevels, atria en constructieve beglazing” at ‘Staalbouw Onderzoeksdag, Staalbouwkundig Genootschap’, syllabus, 1994.
- Eekhout, M., “State of the Art in Structural Glazing”, at Congres ‘Glaskonstruktionen’, syllabus, Bau-Zentrum München, 1994.
- Eekhout, M.,“De invloed van het ontwerp op de gevelonderhoudkosten” at Congres ‘Gevelonderhoud’, Rotterdam, syllabus, VMRG Nieuwegein, 1994.
- Eekhout, M., “Beglaasde ruimtelijke constructies” at ‘Scheuten glasdag in NAI’, Rotterdam, syllabus, Scheuten Venlo, 1994.
- Eekhout, M., “Over het nut van concurrent engineering in de bouw”, Workshop ‘Concurrent Engineering’, Onderzoekschool Bouw, 1995, TU Delft.
- Eekhout, M., “Inleiding over Ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en onderzoeken” at cursus ‘Ontwerpmethodologie Onderzoekschool Bouw’, 1996, TU Delft.
- Eekhout, M., Veer, F., “Architectural Glass Components for the third Millenium, going from the Age of Concrete to the Age of Glass”, ‘5th International Conference on Architectural and automotive Glass, Now and in the Future’, Tampere, Finland, 1997, ISBN 952 90 8959 7.
- Eekhout, M., “The adventures of Zappi in the World of Tubular Space Structures”, the ‘Eigth International Conference on Tubular Structures, Singapore’, (edited by Y.S.Choo , G.J.van der Vegte), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998, (keynote lecture pag. 51 – 62), ISBN 90-5809-001-9.
- Eekhout, M., “Towards an integration of Architecture and Building technology and the Role of Current and Future Opportunities for Coated Glass”, 2nd International Conference on Coatings on Glass, Elsevier Science, Saarbrücken, 1998, (17 pags.), ISBN 0-444-50247-5.
- Eekhout, M., “From Tensegrity Frameless Glazing to Zappi”, Keynote lecture at ‘2nd International Conference on Lightweight Structures in Architecture’, Sydney, 1998, (14 pages), ISBN 0-9586065-0-1.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi and the quest for Frameless Glazing Structures for Architecture”, Keynote lecture at Conference ‘Glass in Buildings’, Bath, 1 April 1999, (15 pages), ISBN 1-87-4003-81-5.
- Eekhout, M., “From Tensegrity frameless Glazing Systems to Zappi”, Keynote lecture at the ‘6th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, Today and in the 21st Century’, Tampere, 1999, (pag. 490 – 502), ISBN 952-91-0885-0.
- Eekhout, M., “Lessons from 20th Century Engineering”, Keynote lecture at ‘Colloqium Learning from History’, International Association for Bridge and structural Engineering, Cambridge, 13/14 Juni 1999 , (handout 15 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Towards a new Balance between Architecture and Building technology” in ‘Moderne geveltechnologie voor kantoorbouw’, Congress TU Delft, October 2000, (13 pages), ISBN 90-5269-281-5.
- Eekhout, M., “Form as a Bridge between Architectural, Structural and Industrial Design”, in 4th international colloqium on Structural Morphology, IASS / TU Delft, Civil Engineering, 2000, (11 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Methodology and Component Design” in ‘Ways to Study’ (edited by T.M.de Jong) Congress version, Research by Design, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, 2000, (pag. 189-194).
- Eekhout, M., co-author Cuperus, Y., “Planning Building Construction” in ‘Ways to Study’ (edited by T.M.de Jong) Congress version, Research by Design, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture 2000, (pag. 122-124).
- Eekhout, M., “Changing Morphology in Tubular Structures”, Keynote lecture at ‘9th International Conference on Tubular Structures’, Düsseldorf, 2001, Puthli and Herion eds, Balkema, Rotterdam, 2001, (pag 37 – 48), ISBN 90-5809-191-0.
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Structures at the Cutting Edge of Technology”, main lecture at ‘Architect’s day of the 9th International Conference on Tubular Structures’, published in Stahlbau März 2001, (pag. 193-201), ISSN 0038-91-45.
- Eekhout, M., “De technologie van Blob architectuur”, IABSE Charles Vos ‘Workshop Constructieve vormgeving’, 2001, (page 53-70), ISBN 90-72830-44-x.
- Eekhout, M., “Conceptual Design of 3D-Structures for ‘Blob’-Architecture”, in Conference Proceedings International Conference ‘Conceptual Approach to Structural Design’ (edited by J. Tan), Singapore, September 2001, (pag. 27 – 38), ISBN 981-04-3834-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Design, Engineering., Production and Realisation of Spatial glass structures for Digital Baroque Architecture”, in ‘Space Structures 5, Volumen 1’, Conference Proceedings (edited by G.Parke), of 5th International. Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey, Guildford UK, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, (pag. 123-132), ISBN 0-7277-3173-4.
- Eekhout, M., “Development of a New Generation of Single Layered Spatial Structures for Fluid Buildings Design” in ‘Space Structures 5, Volumen 1’, Conference Proceedings (edited by G. Parke), 5th International. Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey, Guildford UK, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, page 235-244, ISBN 0-7277-3173-4.
- Eekhout, M., “Product development in Glued Aluminium Delta Ttrusses with Customised Cast Nodes for the Aluminium Centre”, in ‘Space Structures 5, Volumen 1’, Conference Proceedings (edited by G. Parke), 5th International Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey, Guildford UK, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, (pag. 845-854), ISBN 0-7277-3173-4.
- Eekhout, M., “The Single Layered Space Frame Dome on Top of the Friesland Bank in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands” in ‘Space Structures 5, Volumen 2’, Conference Proceedings (edited by G. Parke), 5th International. Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey, Guildford UK, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, (pag. 1327-1336), ISBN 0-7277-3173-4.
- Eekhout, M., “On the Future of Space Structures”, in ‘Space Structures 5, Volumen 1’ Conference Proceedings (edited by G. Parke), 5th International Conference on Space Structures, University of Surrey, Guildford UK, Thomas Telford, London, 2002, (pag. 1-10), ISBN 0-7277-3173-4.
- Eekhout, M., “Glass Structures at the Cutting Edge of Technology”, Labino Lecture in ‘32nd International Conference of American Glass Art Society’ (Amsterdam, NL), (pag. 1-13), May 2002.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi Structures in Blob Building Designs” in ‘Glass Processing Days’, Tampere, June 2003 (pag. 279-285), ISBN 952-91-8674-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Friesland bank, Leeuwarden NL”, 10th International Conference on Tubular Structures, Madrid, September 2003, (handout 10 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Design for an all-glass Train Tube in Delft”, Symposium – The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), Antwerpen, September 2003, (handout 6 pages) CD-Rom.
- Eekhout, M., “Future Needs in the Research of Structural Glass”, Workshop Cost 13, Graz, publication on internet site of Cost 13, 30 pages full text with figures and 44 beamer show, 2003.
- Eekhout, M., “Design, Engineering, Production & Realisation of Structures and Constructions for Liquid Design Architecture” at ‘IABSE/CUES’ Congres, Cambridge, December 2003, (handout 20 pages, internet publication: www.MickEekhout.nl).
- Eekhout, M., “Cold deformation of glass” in Conference Proceedings Glass Processing Days, 9th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass, Tamprere, Finland, 17-20 June 2005, (pag. 1-11), glassfiles.com.
- Eekhout, ACJM (Editor), “Delft Science in Design”, Conference Proceedings, Delft University of Technology, 2005, (245 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “GRP sandwich roof structures for ‘liquid design’ architecture”, in ‘Delft Science in Design. A Congress on Interdisciplinary Design’, Delft University of Technology, 2005, (pag. 62-65).
- Gijn, F. van, Vambersky, J., Eekhout, M., “Development of a reliable high-strength glass connection for an all-glass bridge”, in ‘Proceedings Glass in Buildings 2’(edited by Keiller, A., Ledbetter, S. and Wilkinson, M, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 2005, (pag. 1-10), ISBN 1 874004 35 1.
- Eekhout, M., “The Management of Complex Design & Engineering Processes” in ‘Adaptables’06 – Volume 3’, Proceedings of the joint CIB, Tensinet, IASS International Conference on Adaptability in Design and Construction, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2006, (pag. 71-78), ISBN 978-90-72152-03-9.
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “GRP Sandwich Roof Structures for ‘Liquid Design’ Architecture” in ‘Proceedings of the 4th International Specialty Conference on Fibre Reinforced Materials / Hong Kong’, Publisher CI-Premier Singapore, 2006, (pag. 101-108), ISBN 98-1-0555-636.
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “Innovative Roof Structures for the Yitzhak Rabin Center” in ‘Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering’, Proceeding of TMCE 2006, Brezje, Slovenia, University of Technology Ljubljana, 2006, (pag. 401-410), ISBN 961-6536-04-4.
- Eekhout, M., Niderehe, S., “Tubular Structures for Liquid Design Architecture” in ‘Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium and IIW International Conference on Tubular Structures’, Québec City, Canada, Taylor & Francis/Balkema, 2006, (pag. 15-22), ISBN 978-0-415-40280-4.
- Eekhout, M., Lockefeer, W., Staaks, D., “Application of Cold Twisted Tempered Glass Panels in Double Curved Architectural Designs” in Conference Proceedings ‘Glass Performance Days 2007’, (pag. 213-220), Tampere, 2007, ISBN 952-91-8674-6.
- Eekhout, M., Niderehe, S., “Spontaneous Glass Breakage in Hot Bent Heat-strengthened Laminated Glass Panels” in Conference Proceedings ‘Glass Performance Days 2007’, Tampere, 2007, (pag. 679-684), ISBN 952-91-8674-6.
- Eekhout, M., “The GRP Shell Structures for the Rabin Center in Tel Aviv” in ‘The transformation of the Industry’, 1st international Conference ‘Manubuild’, Rotterdam, 2007, (11pages), ISBN 086017-710-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Management of Complex Design & Engineering Processes” in ‘The transformation of the Industry’, 1st international Conference ‘Manubuild’, Rotterdam, 2007, (11 pages), ISBN 086017-710-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Past and Future of Free Form Design”, keynote lecture at IASS Conference Venice in Conference Proceedings ‘Shell and Spatial Structures: Structural Architecture – towards the future looking to the past’, University IUAV, Venice, 2007, (13 pages) CD ROM.
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “Blob shells: Design, Development and Research on Composite Stressed Skin Roofs for Liquid Design Architecture”, lecture at IASS Conference Venice in Conference Proceedings ‘Shell and Spatial Structures: Structural Architecture – towards the future looking to the past’, University IUAV, Venice, 2007, (8 pages) CD ROM.
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “Composites & The Renaissance of the Shell”, lecture at IASS Conference Venice in Conference Proceedings ‘Shell and Spatial Structures: Structural Architecture – towards the future looking to the past’, University IUAV, Venice, 2007, (11 pages) CD ROM.
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Steel Structures in Architecture”, keynote paper at the Special Symposium on Tubular Structures, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Singapore, 6 December 2007, (pag. 117 – 142), ISBN 978-981-05-9364-3.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi Structures and Constructions in Blob Architecture”, in ‘Conference Proceedings – Challenging Glass Conference’, 22 May 2008, TU Delft, ISBN 978-1-58603-866-3.
- Eekhout, M., Niderehe, S., “Spontaneous glass breakage in hot bent, heat strengthened, laminated glass panels”, in ‘Conference Proceedings-Challenging Glass Conference’, TU Delft, 22 May 2008, ISBN 978-1-58603-866-3.
- Eekhout, M., “Closing Speech”, in ‘IDE+A Design Processes- What Architects & Industrial Designers can teach each other about managing the design process’, Conference Proceedings, June 2008, (pag. 108-111), ISBN: 978-1-58603-945-5
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Structures in The Avant-Garde Architecture”, Keynote lecture on ‘Singapore Structural Steel Society 24th Annual Lecture’, 28th Augustus 2008, Published in Steel News&Notes no. 239/05/2008, (pag. 7-17).
- Eekhout, M., “Structural Design and Avant-Garde Architecture – The Free Form Future”, Keynote lecture at ‘Evening Meeting of Structural Glass and Façade Engineering Study Group’, in ‘The Structural Engineer Volume 86 Nr 20, IstructE London, 12th November 2008, (pag. 33-39), ISSN 14466-5123.
- Eekhout, M., “A new Dutch 3TU Spearhead Building Research to provide Technical Solutions to Social Problems”; ‘Conference Proceedings ICERI-International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Madrid’, 17th-19th November 2008, (pag. 152-162), ISBN 978-84-612-5091-2.
- Eekhout, M., “Composite Blob Shells”; ‘Conference Proceedings ICERI Innovative Design and Construction Technologies’, Madrid, Spain, 6th-7th May 2009, (pag. 531-543), ISBN 978-88387-4369-x.
- Eekhout, M., Rotten v/d, P., “Development of a Super Slim Façade System for INHolland Polytechnic, Delft”; ‘The Future Envelope 3 – Façades the Making of’, Delft, The Netherlands, 14th-May 2009.
- Eekhout, M., Weber, L., Niderehe, S., “Transparent Cubical Glass Building in Madrid”; ‘Conference Proceedings Glass Performance Days’, Tampere, Finland, 12th-15th June 2009, (pag. 408-412), ISBN 978-952-5836-01-1.
- Eekhout, M., Rotten v/d, P., “Development of a Super Slim Façade System for INHolland Polytechnic, Delft”; ‘Conference Proceedings Glass Performance Days’, Tampere, Finland, 12th-15th June 2009, (pag. 324-328), ISBN 978-952-5836-01-1.
- Eekhout, M., Niderehe, S., “The New, Cold Bent Glass Roof of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London”; ‘Conference Proceedings Glass Performance Days’, Tampere, Finland, 12th-15th June 2009, (pag. 64-68), ISBN 978-952-5836-01-1.
- Eekhout, M., Lockefeer, W., Staaks, D., “Design and Build of a Warped Tram Station Roof in Delft”; ‘Challenging Glass 2’, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 73-82), ISBN 978-90-8570-524-6.
- Eekhout, M., Niderehe, S., “The Cold Bent Glass Roof of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London”; ‘Challenging Glass 2’, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 139-148), ISBN 978-90-8570-524-6.
- Eekhout, M., Staaks, D., “All-Glass Dome for Mosque in Haarlem”; ‘Challenging Glass 2’, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 149-158), ISBN 978-90-8570-524-6.
- Eekhout, M., Staaks, D., “Design and Engineering of a Theatre Façade in Vlaardingen”; ‘Challenging Glass 2’, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 187-196), ISBN 978-90-8570-524-6.
- Eekhout, M., Weber, L., “Transparent Cubical Glass Building in Madrid”; ‘Challenging Glass 2’, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 197-206), ISBN 978-90-8570-524-6.
- Eekhout, M., Rotten v/d, P., “Development of a Super Slim Façade System for InHolland Polytechnic, Delft”; ‘Challenging Glass 2’, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 657-666), ISBN 978-90-8570-524-6.
- Eekhout, M. , “Integrated Pre-stressed Super Slim Glass Facade System for INHolland Polytechnic”; ‘10th International Detail Design in Architecture Conference – ddia10´, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 27th-28th October 2011.
- Eekhout, M. , “Wiskunde en architectuur”; ‘18e Nationale Wiskunde Dagen 2012´, Noordwijkerhoud, The Netherlands, 3rd – 4th February 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Proces en duurzaamheid: op tijd schakelen”; ‘Symposium Bestaand duurzaam´, Bartholomeus Gasthuis in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 22nd March 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Onderzoekend ontwerpen”; ‘Dag van de wetenschap´, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 23rd April 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Designing and prototyping a new generation of composite sandwich structures for free form architecture”; ‘CICE 2012 – 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering´, Rome, Italy, 13th – 15th June 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Structural Design”; ‘TopTECH autum 2012-2013´, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 12th September 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Tubular Structures in Architecture”; ‘ISTS14 2012 – 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures´, London, UK, 12th – 14th September 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Cold twisted glass panels”; ‘Engineered Transparency 2012 – International Conference at Glasstec´, Düsseldorf, Germany, 25th – 26th October 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Delft Glass Design Innovations”; ‘INGLASS glass architecture and engineering´, Bucharest, Romania, 5th March 2013.
Symposium proceedings
- Eekhout, M., et al, “Ruimtelijke constructies voor gebouwen” PATO, TU Delft, 1992.
- Eekhout, M., et al, “ The Glass Envelope”, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, 1992, ISBN 90 74350 01 1.
- Eekhout, M., et al, “Architectuur in de tuien”, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, 1992.
- Eekhout, M., et al, “Gevels up-to-date” , Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, 1992.
- Eekhout, M., et al “’De optimale inzet van bouwproducten in het bouwproces”, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, 1993, ISBN 90 74350 04 6.
- Eekhout, M., “NAI en productarchitectuur”, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft (70 pages), 1993, ISBN 90 5269 137 1.
- Eekhout, M., et al, “Sandwichpanelen”, Chair of Product Development, 1993, ISBN 90 5269 139 8
- Eekhout, M., et al, “Het overdekken van winkelcentra”, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, 1994, ISBN 90 5269 154 1.
- Eekhout, M., “Design Methodology in Teaching” at Symposium ‘Perspectives on Architectural Education’ University of York, 1995, Proceedings ISBN 0 904761 61 4.
- Eekhout, M., “ZAPPI”, at Symposium ‘Glas en de Bouw’, TU Delft 1996, ISBN 90 5269 212 2.
- Eekhout, M., “Bouwtechnische kijk op bruggen”, lecture at Symposium ‘Studievereniging Civiele techniek’, 8 April 1998, handout (17 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction”, lecture at Symposium ‘Facade en klimaat’, TU Delft, 12 May 1998.
- Eekhout, M., “Inleiding tot de ontwerpmethodologie”, Symposium ‘Ontwerpmethodologie’ TU Delft, 28 May 1998, (30 pages), ISBN 90-5269-255-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Wetenschappelijk ontwerpen”, Symposium ‘Ontwerpmethodologie’ TU Delft, 29 May 1998, (17 pages), ISBN 90-5269-255-6.
- Eekhout, M., “Voorwoord” in ‘The Making of Architecture’, Stichting Nederlandse Architectuur Manifestatie, Den Haag, November 2000, (5 pages), ISBN 90-901-14391-2.
- Eekhout, M., “Voorwoord” in ‘Naar een grotere veiligheid in het bouwproces’, Symposium Proceedings, TU Delft, TNO Arbeid, April 2000, , (1 page), ISBN 90-5269-277-7.
- Eekhout, M., “Het ontwerpen van een veilig proces voor een experimentele productie & uitvoering” in ‘Naar een grotere veiligheid in het bouwproces’, Symposium TU Delft TNO, April 2000, (25 pages), ISBN 90-5269-277-7.
- Eekhout, M., “De toekomst van keramiek in de bouw”, lecture for ‘Terca’, Zaltbommel, May 2000, handout 8 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Epilogue” in Symposium on Façade Systems, werkverband Bouwtechnisch Ontwerpen, October 2000, handout, 3 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Spelen in bad of spelen met de badkamer?” lecture for ‘Stichting verwarming & Sanitair’, November 2000, (handout 15 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Belangrijke technologische ontwikkelingen in de bouw” at ARTD Workshop, June 2000, (handout, 1 page).
- Eekhout, M., “Nader tot Zappi, een avonturenreeks naar het onbekende” lecture for the annual meeting FOSAG, Driebergen, March 2001, (handout 6 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi Technologies, over nieuwe constructieve systemen en materialen” at the trade fair ‘Materials Engineering’, 16 May 2001, Eindhoven, (handout 7 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Inleiding en aanleiding” 1st lecture at the workshop ‘Het maatschappelijk gebruik van zink in de bouw’, TU Delft, 21 June 2001 (handout 4 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Proposities voor productinnovaties”, 3rd lecture at the workshop ‘Het maatschappelijk gebruik van zink in de bouw’, TU Delft, 21 June 2001 (handout 4 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “De productontwikkeling van gelijmde aluminium deltaliggers van het Aluminiumcentrum” in ‘Grensverleggend Aluminium=Mind-shifting aluminium’ (edited by L.Katgerman), 2001, TU Delft, 2001, (pag. 39-57), ISBN 90-806742-1-4.
- Eekhout, M., “Grote overspanningen”, Symposium TH Amsterdam, Department of Civil Engineering, January 2003, handout 30 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Ervaringen met integratie en coördinatie van complexe 3D Design & engineering voor ‘Blob’ontwerpen”, in ‘Blobs in Control’ TU Delft, Department of Building Technology, 23.01.2003, (50 pages).
- Eekhout, M., ‘Innovatie en ondernemerschap’ lecture at the 1st meeting of Business Club Checkpoint, Den Haag, 2003, handout, Internet publication 20 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Adaptions of Glass to Fluid Designs” at Symposium ‘Constructief Glas’, TU Eindhoven December 2003 10 pages in syllabus.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Innoveren is een mentaliteit’, statement on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Booosting, TU Eindhoven, 13 January 2004, handout 7pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi Structures and Constructions in Blob Architecture, the Tension between Fundamentals and Applications”, lecture on the occasion of the opening of the ‘Materials Platform’, 21.01.2004, TU Delft, (58 pages website Materials platform).
- Eekhout, M., Editor, “Concept House 1 – Towards customised industrial housing”, Delft University of Technology, 2005, (163 pages), ISBN 90-5269-328-5-geb.
- Eekhout, M., “Towards a customised industrial concept house”, in ‘Proceedings of Concept House 1 -Towards customised industrial housing’ TU Delft, 2005, (pag. 5-28), ISBN 90-5269-328-5-geb.
- Eekhout, M.,. “Gevels in de toekomst”. ‘Gevels-facades-lest best: Symposium on the occasion of the parting of dr. ing. Just Renckens, TU Delft, 20 September 2005.
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “GRP Sandwich Structures for Liquid Design’ Architecture”, in IASS 2005, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shell and Spatial Structures Theory, Technique, Valuation, Maintenance’, Cluj-Napoca: qualdesign Bucharest, Romania, 2005 (pag. 817-824).
- Eekhout, M., (2006). “Design, development & research in the concept house group” in ‘Customised Industrial Concept House’(edited by W.Poelman, M. Eekhout), Proceedings of 2nd Concept House Symposium , TU Delft, 7 June 2006 (pp. 7-24).
- Eekhout, M., “Het ontwerpen van materialen op de faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft” in ‘Materialz’, 2007, published by the Chair of Product Development TU Delft, (pag. 20–52).
- Eekhout, M., “20 years of Innovation in Glass Technology”, in ‘Kick off meeting IABSE Working Committee on Structural Glass’, March 2007, Eindhoven.
- Eekhout, M., “Future for Façade Researh at TU Delft”, in Proceedings of ‘The Future Envelope’, (pag. 113-137), Symposium 11th June 2007
- Eekhout, M., “Past and Future of Free Form Design”, keynote lecture at the workshop Tubular Structures in Architecture, National University of Singapore, 8th December 2007, (handout 40 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Design versus Research for the Dutch Building Industry”, lecture at the 9th PhD Symposium of Research School Integral Design of Structures, (pag. 89-102), TU Delft, 19th December 2007.
- Eekhout, M., “Die Renaissance der Schale: Verbund-Dächer für organische Architekturentwürfe“, ‘Faserverbundstoffe im Bauwesen‘, ZHAW Winterhur, Switzerland, 12 March 2010.
- Gelder van, B., Eekhout, M., “Innovation Through Research by Complex Design and Engineering”; ‘Design Research in the Netherlands 2010’, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 135-141), ISBN 978-90-6814-630-1.
- Eekhout, M., “Experimenting with Prototyping”; ‘Design Research in the Netherlands 2010’, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 143-154), ISBN 978-90-6814-630-1.
- Eekhout, M., “3TU Spearhead Building Research”; ‘Design Research in the Netherlands 2010’, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 20th-21th May 2010, (pag. 155-165), ISBN 978-90-6814-630-1.
- Eekhout, M., “Streamline Aluminium Space Frame with Cast Nodes”; ‘ASST 2012 – VI Aliminium Surface Science & Technology’, Sorrento, Italy, 27th-31st May 2011.
- Eekhout, M. , “Free form stressed skin sandwich roofs”; ‘Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering – TMCE 2012´, TMCE Proceedings 2012, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-90-5155-081-8, Germany, 9th -10th May 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Super slender glass facade of INHolland Polytechnic, Delft”; ‘Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering – TMCE 2012´, TMCE Proceedings 2012, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-90-5155-081-8, Germany, 9th -10th May 2012.
- Eekhout, M. , “Museumarchitectuur en licht”; ‘Symposium Licht in het museum´, KNAW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30th May 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Integrated Pre-stressed Super Slim Glass Facade System for INHolland Polytechnic”; ‘10th International Detail Design in Architecture Conference – ddia10´, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 27th-28th October 2011.
- Eekhout, M., “Wiskunde en architectuur”; ‘18e Nationale Wiskunde Dagen 2012´, Noordwijkerhout, 3 februari 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Proces en duurzaamheid: op tijd schakelen”; ‘Symposium BNA Bestaand duurzaam´, Bartholomeus Gasthuis in Utrecht, 22 Maart 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Onderzoekend ontwerpen”; ‘Dag van de wetenschap´, TU Delft, 23rd April 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Designing and prototyping a new generation of composite sandwich structures for free form architecture”; ‘CICE 2012 – 6th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering´, Rome, Italy, 13th – 15th June 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Structural Design”; ‘TopTECH autum 2012-2013´, TU Delft, 12th September 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Structures in Architecture”; ‘ISTS14 2012 – 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures´, London, UK, 12th – 14th September 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Cold twisted glass panels”; ‘Engineered Transparency 2012 – International Conference at Glasstec´, Düsseldorf, Germany, 25th – 26th October 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Delft Glass Design Innovations”; ‘INGLASS glass architecture and engineering´, Bucharest, Romania, 5th March 2013.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Designing and Prototyping a new Generation of Composite Sandwich Structures for free form Architecture’, Bouwmaterialen en Innovatie, Eindhoven, 2013.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Glass Facades and Cable Structures’, GPD, Tampere, 2013.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Structural glass elevator shaft for the Mauritshuis’, Engineered Transparancy, Duisburg, 2014.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Latest development in the Netherlands’, Engineered Transparancy, Duisburg, 2014.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Tensegrity Chandelier for the Shopping Center of The Hague’, ISTS, RIO, 2015.
- Eekhout, M., ‘30 years of Dutch Glass Developments and Innovations’, GPD, Tampere, 2015 ISBN 978-952-5836-03-5A.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Stiff and Flexible Tensile Structures’, IASS, Amsterdam, 2015.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Glass Fins in Architecture’, IASS, Amsterdam, 2015.
- Eekhout M., “Smart Cities of the Future, a summarised view” op Euro-CASE International Conference “Engineering Smart Cities of the future, November 2015, TU Delft.
- Eekhout M., “Koepeldenkers” in Forum 11, ‘Krimp en groei A et A, Amsterdam, 2016 ISSN 2212-4829.
- Bijster, J., Noteboom, C., Eekhout,M., “Glass Entrance Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam”, in ‘Glass Structures & Engineering’, Springer Verlag, 2016, ISSN: 2363-5142 (Print), 2363-5150 (Online).
- Eekhout, M., ‘Thirty Years of Dutch Glass Developments and Innovations for Architecture’, Architecture World, Duisburg, 2016.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Towards 50% Saving of Embedded Energy in Glass Envelopes’, Engineered Transparancy, Glasstec, Düsseldorf, September 2016.
Teaching readers
- Eekhout, M., “Profielen” in ‘B2 module, het boek met de boutjes’, Section AST TU Delft, December 1992, 26 pages tekst and 41 pages appendixes.
- Eekhout, M., “De werkplaats of de ontwikkeling van concept tot prototype” in ‘Reader Moduul B3′, TU Delft, 1993, 40 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “De invloed van branchevreemde technieken in de bouw” in ‘Reader Module D13’, TU Delft, 19 May 1998, 8 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Uitvoeringstechnologie” Blok PU reader 1999, in ‘Reader productie & Uitvoering’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, September 1999, 75 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Voorwoord” in ‘Plandocumentatie Productie & Uitvoering’, Delft University Press, March 2000, (1 page), ISBN 90-407-2039-8.
- Eekhout, M., “De kozijnloze gevels van het stadhuis van Alphen aan den Rijn”, in ‘Stadhuis Alphen aan den Rijn, projectencollege’ (J.Janssen ed), Faculty of Architecture TU Eindhoven, December 2002, (pag. 224-296), ISBN 90-6814-146-5.
- Eekhout, M., “Blob Bloopers’of faalkosten en industrialisatie in de bouw”, Blob atelier, TU Delft 26.09.2002, handout 7pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Innovation in Building Technology in 11 parts” 237 pages for Masters of Architecture semester 1, November 2003, blackboard publication MSc Arch.1, Faculty of Architecture TU Delft
- Eekhout, M., ‘Glass Structures for Glass Buildings’ 30 pages for Bachelors of Science 2, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft, November 2003, blackboard publication BSc2, 50 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Verwetenschappelijking, Ontwerpen en ingenieursvaardigheden” college for BSc 6, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft, 26.01.2004, blackboard publication BSc 6, 54 pages.
Articles in Professional Magazines
- Eekhout, M., “De stand van zaken bij constructief glas” in magazine ‘Glas nr 2’, April 92, Glasbond, Gouda 1992.
- Eekhout, M., “Glasdäche” in ‘Baumeister’, 5 May 1992.
- Eekhout, M., “Advanced Glass Structures” in ‘Advanced Building Technology’, London, June 1992.
- Eekhout, M., “Parapluie Evoluon in Eindhoven” in ‘Bouwen met Staal’, Staalbouwkundig Genootschap, Rotterdam, June 1994.
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Structures in Stadiums”, in ‘Panstadia’, London, December 1994.
- Eekhout, M., “Tussen produktontwikkelen en de-systematiseren, begrippen en systematiek (1)” in ‘Bouwadviseur’, Alphen a/d Rijn, 1994.
- Eekhout, M., “Tussen productontwikkelen en de-systematiseren, Tektoniek (2)” in ‘Bouwadviseur’, Alphen a/d Rijn, 1995.
- Eekhout, M., “Tensegrity constructies van staal en glas”, in ‘Roestvaststaal’ December 1998, Leiden.
- Eekhout, M., “El diseno arquitectonico”, in magazine ‘Iberia, actualidad tecnologica’, February 1999, Barcelona, pag 76 – 82.
- Eekhout, M., “Toekomsten voor de keramiek in de bouw” in ‘Tijdschrift voor Klei, Glas en Keramiek’, Arnhem, nr 6/7 1999, pag. 16-20.
- Eekhout, M., “Toekomsten’ voor keramiek in de bouw” in ‘Gevelraad 13’, Nieuwegein, 1999.
- Eekhout, M., “Naar een maximale transparantie, ontwikkeling van glazen tensegrity constructies” in ‘De Architect’, September 1999, Den Haag, pag. 47 – 49.
- Eekhout, M., “Dag bouwknoop, hallo verbindingstechniek” in ‘Detail in Architectuur’, November 1999, Den Haag, pag. 38 – 43.
- Eekhout, M., “Lijmen tussen efficiency en imago” in ‘De Bouwadviseur’, January 2000, Den Haag, 6 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “On the Cutting Edge of Technology”, Opening article on issue Façade Engineering in Europe, in magazine ‘Glass & Architecture’, Spring 2001, Tokyo, (pag. 08-13).
- Eekhout, M., “Octatube’s Glass Structures”, article in issue on Façade Engineering in Europe, in magazine ‘Glass & Architecture’, Spring 2001, Tokyo, (pag.14-21).
- Eekhout, M., “Experimenteel aluminium in de architectuur” in ‘Aluminium’(edited by T.Schornagel), Leiden, Jaargang 17, nr 4, 2002, (pag. 32-33), ISSN 0920-5608.
- Eekhout, M., “Productontwikkeling aan gelijmde deltaliggers met geïndividualiseerde gietknopen voor het Aluminiumcentrum te Houten” in ‘Aluminium’(edited by T.Schornagel), Leiden, Volume 17, nr 5, 2002, (pag. 17-23), ISSN 0920-5608.
- Eekhout, M., “Gemeentelijk paviljoen op de Floriade” in ‘Aluminium’(edited by T.Schornagel), Leiden, Jaargang 17, nr 6, 2002, (pag. 33-37), ISSN 0920-5608.
- Eekhout, M., “Een vlijmscherpe Aluminium brug te purmerend” in ‘Aluminium’(edited by T.Schornagel), Leiden, Volume 17, nr 7, 2002, (pag. 33-37), ISSN 0920-5608.
- Eekhout, M., “Case Study 2: dakconstructie, studiemateriaal”, Aluuminium centrum, Houten, 2002, internet publication, 10 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Een kartonnen koepel van kartonnen buizen, intensief onderzoek naar eigenschappen en gdrag van karton” in ‘Bouwwereld 10’, 12 May 2003, pag 36-39
- Eekhout, M., “Productie en montage in 5 weken” in ‘Bouwwereld 11’, 26 May 2003, pag 10-14
- Eekhout, M., co auteurs Suttorp, M., Brat, J., Visser, R., “Maison d’Artiste, reconstructie van een verdwenen maquette” in Jong Holland ‘Authenticiteit in de beeldende kunst’, Volume 19 (2003) nr 4 December 2003, pag 30-33
- Eekhout, M., “A personal View on the future of Spatial structures”, The International Journal of Space structures, Multi Science Publishing Co Ltd vol 18, nr 2, 2003, page 129-136
- Eekhout, M., “Designing ‘Liquid Architecture’, Making Use of Composites”, in JEC Composites magazine, Paris, January 2004, 4 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Een vlijmscherpe zwevende aluminium brug in Purmerend”. In ‘Aluminium actueel’, #1-#2, 2005
- Eekhout, M., “GRP schaaldaken voor Rabin Center Tel Aviv”, in ‘Stedebouw & Architectuur’, 22(3), 15-17, 2005
- Eekhout, M., “Gevleugeld onder dak”, in ‘Dakenraad 12’, (69), ), June 2005 (pag. 35-39).
- Eekhout, M., “Gevleugeld onder dak : vleugels voor Yitzak Rabin Center deel 2 – de productie”, in ‘Dakenraad 12’, (67), June 2005 (pag. 63-67).
- Eekhout, M., Visser, R., “Gevleugeld onder dak : vleugels voor Yitzhak Rabin Center deel 3 – assemblage en montage”, in ‘Dakenraad 12’, (68), June 2005, (pag. 29-33).
- Eekhout, M., “Gevleugeld onder dak. Vleugels voor Yitzak Rabin Center”, in ‘Dakenraad 12’, June 2005, (pag. 27-29).
- Eekhout, M., “Glasmuseum Schiedam tijdelijk in de Boterstraat”, in ‘Musis’, 11(4), 2005, (pag.126-129).
- Eekhout, M., “Rabin Center Tel Aviv”, in ‘Booosting nieuwsbrief’, 16 (#82), 2005, (pag. 3-7).
- Eekhout, M., “Onderzoeksprogramma 3TU Speerpunt Bouw – Universiteiten zoeken samenwerking met de Bouw”; in ‘Bouw IQ’, Aenas Uitgeverij van vakinformatie, Boxtel, April 2008, (pag. 32-33), ISSN 1871-9635.
- Eekhout, M., “3TU Speerpunt Bouw: Onderzoek biedt oplossingen voor maatschappelijke problemen”; in ‘TUD BK B-News’ (nedl.), May 2008.
- Eekhout, M., “Weather forecast for Architecture – The seven tempests”; in ‘B-News 1’ June 2008
- Eekhout, M., “3TU Building Research Programme Research provides solutions to social problems”; in ‘TUD BK B-News’ 28.05.2008.
- Eekhout, M., “Structural Design and Avant-Garde Architecture”; in ‘The Structural Engineer’ – International Journal of IstructE, London, Volume 86, Number 20, 21 October 2008, (pag 33-39), www.thestructuralengineer.org.
- Eekhout, M., Staaks, D., Niderehe, S.,“Tordieren von Glasplatten, ein (kaltes) Kunststück”; in ‘Stahlbau Spezial’, March 2009, (pag 18-22), ISSN 0038-9145.
- Eekhout, M., “Glazen dak voor winkelcentrum Cotroceni Park”; in ‘Dakenraad’ –Number 91, September 2009, (pag 33-36), ISSN 1381-2874.
- Eekhout, M., “Zinken bolkoepel voor IMAX theater”; in ‘Dakenraad’, Number 93, December 2009, (pag 6-13), ISSN 1381-2874.
- Eekhout, M., “Composite stressed skin roofs for liquid design architecture”; in ‘International Journal of Structural Engineering (IJStructE)’, China – Vol. 1, Nos. 3/4, 2010, (pag 255-279), ISSN (Online): 1758-7336 – ISSN (Print): 1758-7328.
- Eekhout, M., “Maanvilla”; in ‘Quest’ – vol. 7, February 2010, (pag 68-69), ISSN 1573-4617.
- Eekhout, M., “Nederlandse Glazen Donut Voor Romeense Megamall”; in ‘Gevelbouw’, The Netherlands –Jaargang 7, Nr. 1, Maart 2010, (pag 30-33), ISSN 1660-4504.
- Eekhout, M., “Getordeerde glazen panelen op drievoudig gelaagde glasliggers”; in ‘Dakenraad’ – Number 95, April 2010, (pag 43-47), ISSN 1381-2874.
- Eekhout, M., “Huwelijkaanzoek van 3TU aan uitvoerende bouw”; in ‘Bouwformatie’ – Vol.3, Number 5, 20 April 2010, (pag 18-19), ISSN 1015-4876.
- Eekhout, M., “Das Experiment hinter dem Monument”; in ‘Baublatt’, Schweiz – Nr. 17, 30 April 2010, (pag 16-23), ISSN 1660-4504.
- Eekhout, M., “Un Cubo de Vidrio Transparente en Madrid”; in ‘Revista Trimestral de Arquitectura’ – Nr. 2, June 2010, (pag 32-39).
- Eekhout, M., “Experiment Concept House”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 222, 9th December 2010, (pag 11).
- Eekhout, M., “3TU Bouw op de Bouwbeurs”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 23, 3rd February 2011, (pag 9).
- Eekhout, M., “Het ‘Club Sandwich’ concept”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 38, 24th February 2011, (pag 11).
- Eekhout, M., “Exportscenario bouwconsortia”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 48, 10th March 2011, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Efficiënte buisconstructies”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 68, 7th April 2011, (pag 11).
- Eekhout, M., “Nieuwe toekomst bedenken”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 199, 3rd November 2011, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Toekomstgericht onderzoek”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 219, 1st December 2011, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Kwaliteit van innovatie”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 3, 12th January 2012, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Het spel van energiebesparing”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 28, 16th February 2012, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Concept House Prototype in Rotterdam gerealiseerd”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 53, 22nd March 2012, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Samen innovatief ontwikkelen”, in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 103, 7th June 2012, (pag 13).
- Eekhout, M., “Evenwicht krimpen is een kunst”, column in ‘Cobouw’ – Nr. 145, 28th August 2012, (pag 11).
- Eekhout, M., “Over de recessie heen springen”, in ‘bouwIQ’, December 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Naar een renaissance in houtarchitectuur?”, in ‘HET HOUTBLAD’ , Nr 23, December 2012.
- Eekhout, M., “Gestapelde woningbouw: duurzaam en toekomstgericht!”, in bu – Bouw + UItvoering – Nr. 45 – 1, January/February 2013.
Internal Publications
- Eekhout, M., Editorship “Research Colloquium Blobs 25 January 2007”, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (153 pages)
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction” in ‘Research Colloquium Blobs’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, January 2007; (pag. 7-10).
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Research Colloquium Blobs’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 11-17).
- Eekhout, M., “Epilogue” in ‘Research Colloquium Blobs’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, January 2007, (pag. 151).
- Eekhout, M., Editorship “Research Colloquium Industrial Building 8 February 2007” Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (173 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Research Colloquium Blobs’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 11-17).
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction” in ‘Research Colloquium Industrial Building 8 February 2007’ Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 7-10).
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Research Colloquium Industrial Building’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 11-17).
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction” in ‘Research Colloquium Informatics 27 February 2007’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 7-10)
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Research Colloquium Blobs’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 11-16).
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction” in ‘Research Colloquium Zappi 8 March 2007’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 7-10)
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Research Colloquium Blobs’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007,(pag 11-17).
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction” in ‘Research Colloquium Climate Design 29 March 2007’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 7-12)
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Research Colloquium Climate Design’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 13-19).
- Eekhout, M., Editorship “Building Technology Research projects 31 December 2006”, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (244 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Introduction” in ‘Building Technology Research projects 31 December 2006’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 11 – 16).
- Eekhout, M., “Research at the Department of Building Technology” in ‘Building Technology Research projects 31 December 2006’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 17-19).
- Eekhout, M., “Epilogue” in ‘Building Technology Research projects 31 December 2006’, Department of Building Technology TU Delft, 2007, (pag. 241-244).
- Eekhout, M., Editorship of: “Building Technology Peer Evaluation Report jan-april 2007”, Department of Building Technology, 2007 (115 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Conclusion” in ‘Building Technology Peer Evaluation report jan-april 2007’, Department of Building Technology, 2007 (pag. 115).
- Eekhout, M., “Preface”, in ‘Towards Customized Industrialized Concept Houses’/ Sannie Verwey, Chair of product development, TU Delft , 2007,(pag. 7-8).
- Eekhout, M., “Foreword”, in ‘EU Cost C13 report – Glass and Interactive Building Envelopes’, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007, (1 page) 978-1-58603-709-3.
- Eekhout, M., “Cardboard Technical Research and Developments at Delft University of Technology” in ‘Cardboard in Architecture’, (pag. 7-25), Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, 2007.
- Eekhout, M., Editor ‘Speerpunt Bouw Brochure 2’, “3TU Onderzoek naar oplossingen voor maatschappelijke problemen”; 1. print: February 2008, (31 pages).
- Eekhout, M., Editor ‘Speerpunt Bouw Brochure 3’: “3TU Speerpunt Bouw Leerstoelenboek” , 1. print: March 2008’, 2. print: June 2008 – reprint after fire at TU Delft, final version CD Rom: December 2008, (88 pages).
- Eekhout, M., Editor ‘Speerpunt Bouw Brochure 4’: “3TU Speerpunt Bouw Current Research Projects” 1. print: March 2008’, 2. print: June 2008 – reprint after fire at TU Delft, final version CD Rom: December 2008, (385 pages).
- Eekhout, M., Editor “Research Program Building Innovation”, 30 September 2008, (175 pages).
- Eekhout, M., Editor “Future Research Projects 3TU Building Innovation”, 15 October 2008, (110 pages).
- Eekhout, M., Editor ‘Speerpunt Bouw Brochure 5’: “Formatierapport 2008 3TU Speerpunt Bouw”, 22 December 2008, (47 pages).
Other Publications
- Eekhout, M., “Tubular Structures in Architecture” in ‘The Architectural Annual 1995 – 1996’, Uitgeverij 010 Rotterdam, 1997, ISBN 90 6450 306 0.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi” in ‘The Architectural Annual 1995 –1996’, Uitgeverij 010 Rotterdam, 1997 ISBN 90 6450 306 0.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Beelden in de vrije wereld’ in ‘Marijke de Goey’ (edited by Maurits Schmidt), Uitgeverij V+K Publishing, Blaricum, 1997, (pag. 8-16), ISBN 90 6611 941 1.
- Eekhout, M., “Maison d’Artiste, overwegingen omtrent technische uitvoerbaarheid”, January 1999, rapport aan de Stichting Van Eesteren-Fluck en Van Lohuizen, Den Haag, 18 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Over de bouwbaarheid van het Maison d’Artiste, overwegingen omtrent technische uitvoerbaarheid”, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, March 2000, (40 pages), ISBN 90-407-2063-0.
- Eekhout, M., Veer, F., Woord, J vd, “The Quest for Zappi” in ‘The Architecture Annual 1997-1998’, TU Delft, 1998, (pag 190-197), ISBN 90-6450-358-3.
- Eekhout, M., “Toekomst Bouwtechnoloog’ in ‘The Strength of Water’, Faculty of Architecture Delft 1999, (pag. 36 – 45).
- Eekhout, M., “Technisch onderzoek”, in ‘Methodologie voor Bouwkunde’ (edited by Prof.dr.ir.Taeke de Jong), TU Delft, October 1999, pag 160 – 182.
- Eekhout, M., “Contemplations on the exchange of technology from the West to the East”, in ‘Space frame Structures’, 10 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Aluminium deltaliggers met gelijmde gietknopen voor het Aluminiumcentrum te Houten” Researchreport for Aluminium Centre in Houten, 1st part, Houten, 1999, 50 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Routes for Product Development at Trespa”, internal report for ‘Trespa International’, Eert, 14.12.2000, 34 pages (niet openbaar)
- Eekhout, M., “Gelijmde aluminium deltaliggers”, Researchreport for Aluminium Centre in Houten, 2nd part, Houten, December 2000, 50 pages.
- Eekhout, M., Cuperus, Y., “Planning Building Construction” in ‘Ways to Study-Architectonische Interventie’, TU Delft, October 2000, 3 pages.
- Eekhout, M., Cuperus, Y., “Methodology and Component Design” in ‘Ways to Study – Architectonische Interventie’, TU Delft, October 2000, 6 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Vijf stellingen”, ‘Workshop Bouwexport for Ministerie Economische Zaken’, internal report, Den Haag, March 2000, handout 3 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Evaluatie van het wetenschapsgebied Materiaalkunde, ondergebracht in de leerstoel productontwikkeling, faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft”, internal report, Chair of Product Development, TU Delft, July 2000, handout10 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Recommendations 2000 of the Research Advisory Board for the sub-faculty Industrial Design Engineering Delft University of Technology”, internal report, TU Delft, March 2000, 9 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Leerstoelplan Productontwikkeling”, internal report, 8th version, TU Delft, March 2000, 25 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Afdelingsplan Bouwtechnisch Ontwerpen 2000-2005”, internal rapport, TU Delft, March 2000, 16 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “State of the Art of Bridge Floor Glazing for the Calatrava Hoofdvaart Bridges, Haarlemmenmeer” , lecture for Workshop municipality Haarlemmermeer, handout, 1 page.
- Eekhout, M., “Eindrapport BAC betreffende de leerstoel Bouwconstructieve Integratie en Coördinatie”, TU Delft, February 2000, internal report, 12 pages.
- Eekhout, M., Chairman, “Eindrapport BAC betreffende de leerstoel Scheiding en afwerkconstructies”
- Tu Delft, February 2000, internal report, 11 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Nader tot Zappi, een avonturenreeks naar het onbekende”, lecture for year assembly of the Fosag’, Driebergen, 2001, handout 6 pages.
- Eekhout, M., Chairman, Final report BAC Architectural Engineering, TU Delft, February 2001, internal report.
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi technologies, over nieuwe constructieve systemen en materialen”, lecture for trade fair ‘Material Engineering’, Eindhoven, 16 May 2001, handout 7 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Inleiding en aanleiding”, lecture for ‘Workshop Maatschappelijk gebruik van zink in de bouw’, TU Delft, 21 June 2001, handout 4 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Proposities voor productinnovaties”, lecture for ‘Workshop Maatschappelijk gebruik van zink in de bouw’, TU Delft, 21 June 2001, handout 4 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Recommendations 2001 of the research Advisory Board for the sub-faculty Industrial Design Engineering”, internal report, Delft University of Technology, April 2001, (8 pages), internal report.
- Eekhout, M., “Verbindingen in karton”, lecture for ‘Workshop Karton’, TU Delft, 22.11.2002, handout 10 pages.
- Eekhout, M., ‘Faalkostenreductie en industrialisatieconcepten’ Congres ‘Bouw Beter, Minder Fouten, Meer Kwaliteit’, SBR, Rotterdam, 25 April 2002, handout 10 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Het ontwikkelen van de kartonnen Ijburgkoepel” in ‘Rumoer 30, Kartonnage’, September 2003, (pag. 36-46), ISSN 1567-7699.
- Eekhout, M., “Recommendations 2003 of the Research Advisory Board for the faculty Industrial Design Engineering”, internal report, TU Delft, November 2003, (4 pages).
- Eekhout, M., “Zappi Structures in Blob Architecture”, lecture for ‘De Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen’, 26 January 2004, handout 44 pages, published at the website www.MickEekhout.nl .
- Eekhout, M., Chairman, Final report BAC Design of Constructions, TU Delft, 2004, internal report.
- “Aluminium ruimtevakwerk met gelijmde verbindingen en geïndividualiseerde gietknopen”
- “GRP schaaldaken voor het rabin Center in Tel Aviv”
- “Koud buigen van gelamineerd glas”
- “Koud twisten van gelamineerd en geïsoleerd glas”
- “3D explosief vervormen van aluminium panelen”
- as a serie in ‘Nieuwsbrief van de Bond van Materialenkennis’, ‘s Hertogenbosch 2004.
- Eekhout, M., “Innoveren is een mentaliteit!”, ‘Doorgeefcolumn’ for Yes! Business Club: Delft (2005, November 11 – 2006, January 1), 2005.
- Eekhout, M., “Leerstoelplan Productontwikkeling”, 2007-2012, 4th version, TU Delft, 2007, 20paginas
- Eekhout, M., “De TU Delft en het MKB”, lecture for de Academy of Technology and Innovation, Raalte, June 2007, hand-out, 5 pages.
- Eekhout, M., “Editorial”, in Journal of design research volume 5, nr.3, 2007 as the editor of this issue, (page 299-301), ISSN 1748-3050.
- Eekhout, M., Chairman, Final Report BAC Architectural Engineering, TU Delft, April 2008, internal report.
- Eekhout, M., “Speerpunt Bouw brengt onderzoek en bouw bij elkaar” in Construction Insight, Goo Media, Rijnsburg, December 2008, (page 6-9), ISSN: 1570-9876.
- Eekhout M., “Een toekomst of demasqué voor de bouw”, op Symposium Bouwprognoses 2011 – 2016, december 2011, Kasteel De Vanenburg te Putten.
- Eekhout M., “Wiskunde en vrije vorm architectuur” op de Wiskundedagen Noordwijkerhout , 2 febr 2012.
- Eekhout M., “Design, Development and Research for Cardboard Structures”, lecture at TU Delft for Cardboard symposium 30.01.2012 Stylos Faculty of Architecture.
- Eekhout M., “High Tech Facades and Roofs from Delft NL”, at DDIA Istanbul 15.02.2012
- Eekhout M., “Introducties door dagvoorzitter”, Nationale Houtdag 2012, Den Haag;
- Eekhout M., “Museumarchitectuur en licht”, op KNAW minisymposium ‘Musea en licht’, 30 mei 2012.
- Eekhout M., “Bieden Exportconsortia een toekomst van de bouwtoelevering?”, Symposium NVTB 10 april 2013, Rosmalen.
- Eekhout M., “Yellow Wings kunstwerk van Loes van der Horst en Mick Eekhout”, juni 2013 bij opening Yellow Wings, Amsterdam zuidoost;
- Eekhout M. en Venema, L. “Design & Build Approach of Atrium Roof Gemeentemuseum The Hague” in collegereeks prof. Thijs Asselbergs TU Delft 19 march 2014
- Eekhout M. et al, Verslag KNAW minisymposium ‘Gezamenlijk inspannen voor een beter mondiaal evenwicht’ KNAW september 2014
- Eekhout M., “Innovaties in de bouwtechnologie” op KNAW minisymposium ‘Innovaties in de architectuur’ oktober 2014;
- Eekhout M., “Technology from Yachting to Architecture” for METS (Marine Equipment trade Show), Amsterdam , 19 November 2014;
- Eekhout M., “De toekomst van de bouwtechniek” op KNAW minisymposium ‘De toekomst van de architectuur’ februari 2015;
- Eekhout M., ” Naar een nationaal onderzoeksprogramma voor de Bouw”, 2 april 2015, Bouwend Nederland 2015
- Eekhout M., ‘Specialisatie & innovatie als basis voor ontwerpen & bouwen’, 9 april 2015 voor Bouwend Nederland & HBO lectoren
- Eekhout M., “Materiaalinnovatie in de bouw”: op KIVI-Bouw- symposium ‘Materiaal en identiteit in de architectuur van morgen’ oktober 2015
- Eekhout M., “De makers van de bouw”, videoboodschap voor MBO
- Eekhout M. en Eekhout N., “Innovaties, experimenten en moonshots” , januari 2016, VNO-NCW Den Haag;
- Eekhout M. et al “Verzameling 8 pitches 18 maart 2016 ter gelegenheid van de publicatie van 8 boeken van Mick Eekhout cum suis”.
- Eekhout M., “Towards 50% Energy Saving in Glass Envelops”, at Innovative Glazing Global Summit, March 2016, Berlin
- Eekhout M., “Maison d’Artiste Prototype, Het proces van 1998 tot 2016” op KNAW minisymposium ‘Maison d’Artiste Prototype, sept 2016
- Eekhout M, et al, “Verslag KNA minisymposium “Reconstructie en ontwikkeling Maison d’Artiste Prototype”, sept 2016
- Van Gelder B. en Eekhout M., “Winkeldochters of hergebruik?’ op staalbouwdag 2016, Amsterdam;
- Eekhout M., “Oppervlakken en hun effect in de architectuur’, ION week van de oppervlaktetechnologie, ’s Hertogenbosch, 5 oktober 2016.
- Eekhout, M,. “Energiepositief ontwerpen en prototypes bouwen” lezing op KNAW minisymposium 14 dec 2016 ‘Energiepositief ontwikkelen en bouwen’.
- Eekhout, M, et al. “Lezingbundel Energiepositief ontwerpen en wonen” KNAW minisymposium 14 dec 2016.
- Eekhout, M., “Driekoningenlezing: Delft Design 30 jaar”, TOP/Delft Design januari 2017